New Feature: Articles

Welcome to the Forest!

I have launched a new feature, to invite you deeper into the World of Barbara Reilly. Click on “Articles” on the top navigation bar to view the first in a series of articles exploring the inner and outer landscapes of the book.

What was America like in 1948 when Barbara was thirteen years old? How did the same beautiful countryside appear to Nawa in 1779 when the future of her Iroquois people became clouded in doubt? And how were the people of these times different from us today? “The Times of Barbara Reilly” looks at the historical settings of the story.

Future articles will explore the book’s magical elements, examine how the story of Barbara Reilly was written, and delve into such mysteries as the False Face masks of the Iroquois. Join us for all of them.


If you read the brief description of the book on my website or on Amazon, you might guess that I try to provide a flavor of the book without giving too much away. You would be right. My goal is to allow joy of discovery for the reader, just like Barbara finds it in the story.

I would now love to share a bigger taste of the book, and again avoid spoiling the surprises.


Mystery * Adventure * Family values * A thirteen-year-old farm girl * Two time periods: Revolutionary War and Post-World-War-II America * Iroquois, also called Six Nations * An Indian girl * Magic * False Face masks * The 1940s * Farm life * Taughannock Stream and Trumansburg, New York * Eagle feather * 1779 * Wigwams * Fireflies * Charm bracelet * Photographs * Fourth of July cookout * Grampa * Cayuga Lake * Brother and sister squabbling * Premonition * Courage * Desperation * Danger * Wishing for a pony * Broken glass * Fire pit * Basket of eggs * Going to church * Cousins from Ithaca * Ulysses Philomathic Library * Maps * A road trip * Soldiers * Fog * Arrowheads * History * A diary * Ancestors * Onondaga * Love * Forest * Birds of prey * Pickup truck * Tractor * Artifacts * Waterfalls *

What flavor does all this give you, of the book? Does it feel like your kind of book? What subjects interest you the most? What do you like to read about?

click to enter these woods


Beat the Drums! Blow the Eagle Bone Whistle!

BARBARA REILLY is now available on in e-book format.

Set in the forests of the Iroquois during the harrowing days of the American Revolution — and on a farm in the same lake country of Central New York in 1948 — Barbara Reilly is the story of a thirteen-year-old farm girl who stumbles upon something truly magical, and then must rise to defend it against those who would bring her family harm.

Filled with action and heartwarming family values, BARBARA REILLY also weaves itself through the lives of Indians struggling to preserve part of their culture for the future.

“A satisfying slice of Americana apple pie with a magical Native American twist.”

Amazon e-books are designed to be read on your Kindle, but can be viewed on other devices, including your computer, smartphone or tablet, by downloading free reading apps at Amazon.

For Nook, by Barnes & Noble, you can convert BARBARA REILLY by following the tutorial by author Blake Crouch.

BARBARA REILLY is an Amazon exclusive e-book until December 15 (and possibly beyond).

The paperback edition of BARBARA REILLY will be available in October. Check back soon for release date, and have a magical day!

Greetings from the Forest

Hello Everyone!

It sure feels great to have the website up and running. Lots of exciting news to share, starting with the imminent publication of BARBARA REILLY, my long-awaited historical fantasy. It’s set for release on September 18, 2012, as an e-book on Amazon. Then I’ll be busy formatting the print version, to be available on Amazon in paperback soon after.

Lots of plans for this website, including loads of special features, similar to what you might see on your favorite movie DVD, including posts and pictures to immerse you in the world of Barbara Reilly, plus special offers, and more! So check back often, and have a magical day!