Tweetings From the Forest


Barbara is set free to fly into your Kindle reader, as part of the Amazon Select promotion program, Friday November 16 through Sunday November 18, 2012. Let Barbara spend Thanksgiving with you this year. Experience the joys and challenges of a heartfelt story set in the upstate New York farmland of the 1940s and the woodland of the Iroquois during the dangerous Revolutionary War times of the 1700s.

Pick up your copy here

If you don’t have a Kindle, Amazon offers free reading apps for viewing BARBARA REILLY on other devices, including your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Goodreads Giveaway a Success

A big THANK YOU to the over 800 readers who entered the BARBARA REILLY Giveaway Contest on Goodreads in October. And to the hundreds who added the book to their to-read lists!

Congratulations to the winners of the four copies: Katlyn, Lauren, Brenda, and Roberta. Your autographed books are on their way! Hope you enjoy them as much I enjoyed writing BARBARA REILLY.

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday November 22, filled with the warm feelings that come with harvest time and family gatherings.

I have much to be grateful for, this year, as I’m sure you all do as well. The season is a good time to reflect on this, as the colder weather brings us indoors and more reflective within ourselves. At my home we like to begin the meal by recalling some of what we are thankful for, sharing this aloud around the table.

I can imagine Barbara’s family keeping this same tradition at their home near Trumansburg, New York, as the last of the leaves crackled over the ground in late fall winds and woodsmoke swirled up the chimney. Especially with her and Grampa being mindful of the Indians’ contributions, including helping the Pilgrims survive those first winters, and them all sharing a feast together, in spirit of cooperation in this bountiful, though sometimes harsh, new land.